What’s in my playlist– Peter Kater
Recently I was having a conversation with one of my music therapist friends about blogging in which she was helping me brainstorm ideas for future blogposts. We got to the topic of my book reviews, and she mentioned that sometimes she reviews songs and CD’s on her blog. Immediately I thought of my recent blog post on how to choose relaxing music for yourself and how it might be helpful to some of you if I reviewed a few CD’s of music I typically use for relaxation. (If you’re anything like me, sometimes you need concrete examples of things like this!) So welcome to the new category of blogposts– what’s in my playlist!
First up is Peter Kater. With over 30 CD’s to his credit since the 1980’s, a few Grammy awards, and collaborations with artists like R. Carlos Nakai and Kenny Loggins as well as Broadway, film, and television producers, he has garnered a large fan following over the years. His music incorporates a variety of musical styles and instruments with the aim of increasing “love, respect and commitment to the natural world.” His music is calming yet evocative and excellent for relaxation or meditation. You can easily find his CD’s on Amazon, iTunes, or order from his website www.peterkater.com.
Disclaimer: This recommendation is purely my own. I am in no way reimbursed or compensated for this music review by any of the entities mentioned in this blog post, and I receive no commission or payment of any kind from writing this recommendation or from any purchases that may be made as a result of an individual reading it.