What’s in my playlist— Belleruth Naparstek
I first discovered Belleruth’s work when I was assigned “Staying Well with Guided Imagery,” her book on using guided meditations to improve health problems. A psychotherapist for many years, she has loads of experience working with a variety of psychological and medical challenges. Her guided imagery and meditations have been scientifically tested and demonstrated to be effective. She created a series of CD’s called “Health Journeys” in which she targets specific problems (stress, depression, cancer treatments, anger, insomnia, etc.) to address with specially crafted guided meditations. Each CD contains a guided meditation along with music followed by the music without the meditation.
I have recommended these CD’s to friends, family, and clients. If you’re looking for a tool to use in your quest to overcome a particular problem, try one of Belleruth’s CD’s. They can be found most easily through online retailers.
**Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form compensated for this review. The opinions and views put forth in the post are solely my own and not influenced by any other party or entity. Furthermore, I do not receive any proceeds or commission of any kind if any reader of this review decides to purchase the recordings mentioned herein.**