Small Steps
Not long ago I was in session with a client who was expressing her weariness/frustration at not making as much forward progress in her life as she’d like, as quickly as she’d like. (Show of hands– haven’t we all been there??) We spent some time recalling all the positive changes she’s made and discussing how she can continue to take small steps every day that move her in a healthier direction. But the truth is– it’s often difficult to have the patience to wait for that change to take effect. We dream of skipping one ice cream cone and losing those extra 10 pounds by the following morning, or taking one beginner’s meditation class and feeling stress-free for the rest of the year.
Reality check!
Whatever struggles we have– they didn’t happen overnight, and they won’t go away overnight either. And most of the time it takes great, concerted effort on our part to struggle through those issues. Small steps are the most effective way to accomplish that goal. Take a good hard look at life, and then ask “what’s one positive change I can make today to improve things?” Maybe it’s spending 5-10 minutes in meditation before you start the day. Perhaps it’s repeating an uplifting quote or mantra to yourself throughout the day when negative thoughts crop up. Or maybe it’s setting and enforcing boundaries with someone who tends to intrude too much. Perhaps it’s simply abstaining from a bad habit or negative behavior. One thing– that’s all.
Small steps begin by saying, “Today I’m going to _______________.” Before you know it, you’ll be able to look back and see how far you’ve come! What change can you make today?
If you need help figuring out your “small steps” or you find that you just don’t want to do it alone, call me at 256-655-0648. I’d be glad to help. I’m always happy to answer questions!