For many people it’s not easy to make the decision to start seeing a therapist. Our culture and society tell us that we should be able to handle life on our own and not ask for help. At Healing Sounds Music Therapy, I understand that it’s difficult to reach out for assistance.
The truth is that there is no shame or weakness in seeking out help when there is a problem. We take our car to a mechanic and our taxes to an accountant– our mental health should be no different.
I’ve tried to make it easier to ask for help by creating a warm and comfortable office space in which to receive therapy. Clients can access me by phone, email, or text message. My client caseload is purposefully kept small so I can guarantee that each person receives the individual care they need. My schedule is flexible to accommodate early morning as well as evening appointments. Phone consultations are always free of charge.
Recent Posts
“No, you’re not crazy.”
I’ve written and made videos about this topic, but it bears repeating again. There is a stigma surrounding mental health. It’s perfectly acceptable to make an appointment to see your doctor and receive treatment for physical ailments. We don’t think twice about mentioning that to our family and friends in casual conversation. “Oh, I saw […]
Dealing with Disappointment
As long as we’re all sharing time here on Earth, we will experience disappointment. From being turned down for a sought-after job or date, to favorite teams losing the last game of the season, to the coffee shop being unable to make our regular drink, to having a highly anticipated event cancelled at the last […]
What are you waiting for?
Here’s a story that was shared with me recently, and I wanted to share it with all of you since it pertains to therapy! Farmer Joe had a wide rock buried in the middle of one of his fields. He tried to plow and plant around it, but over the years it broke more than […]