The American Psychiatric Association defines depression as experiencing a depressed mood or loss of interest in activities you normally find enjoyable. Some of the symptoms include feeling depressed most of the time, changes in weight (sudden loss or gain), sleep disturbances, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, and frequent thoughts of death. In order to receive a diagnosis of depression, an individual must experience several of these symptoms for over 2 weeks, and the symptoms must be affecting the ability to function in normal, daily life.
Translation from therapist jargon: it means you feel down in the dumps, blue, not yourself, in a funk—most of the time, every day, everywhere. And it gets in the way of everything—from your job to your home life. You may feel irritable at every little thing. You may feel like calling in sick and staying in bed. You may feel like “why bother? Nothing I do matters anyway.” You might stop going to places you once frequented. You may stop meeting up with your friends for dinner or drinks after work. You may feel like it all requires more energy than you have right now.
Sometimes we feel depressed because of a situation that happens in life, like the loss of a job or the death of a loved one. That’s referred to as situational depression, and it’s typically a short-term condition. Other times we get depressed, and it’s not related to a particular situation or event but rather an overall general feeling of unhappiness and despair. Maybe you can’t even put your finger on exactly what’s wrong—you just know that something isn’t quite right anymore.
The latest statistics report that 19 million people in the US suffer from depression, and 25% of women report struggling with depression at least once in their lifetime. However, some mental health experts believe that number is much higher because many people don’t report their depressed feelings due to the stigma of having mental health issues that require treatment. Regardless of the actual numbers—I’m putting them here to demonstrate that you’re not alone if you feel this way!

How do I know if I’m suffering from depression?
Common symptoms—
- Sudden weight loss or gain
- Social isolation
- Fatigue
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Frequent thoughts of death
- Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy
So how does music therapy fit into the picture?
Does this sound familiar? Does it feel familiar? Is this your experience? You’ve come to the right place then! Music therapy can offer some relief. We can work together to resolve whatever challenges you’re dealing with related to your depression. Relaxation techniques. stress management, and working through emotional issues are just a few of the ways that can help. Some previous clients have reported immediate positive results after the first session. Most clients report effects that last for several days after their sessions.
But each client is different, and I can’t promise the same results for everyone. However, I’m confident that we can find an effective solution for you. We will work together to help manage your depression. Call to find out more information about how music therapy might help, or to schedule your first appointment.