The American Psychiatric Association defines anxiety as excessive worrying about a number of events/activities, difficulty concentrating, increased irritability and fatigue, sleep disturbances, and increased muscle tension. Anxiety reaches the point of being clinically diagnosed when it’s experienced for 6 months or more. Women are 60% more likely to have anxiety problems than men, and almost 7 million people in the US are affected each year. You are not alone if you feel this way.
Therapist’s office jargon aside—what does that mean??? Basically, it means a person can’t stop worrying. About almost everything. All the time. To the point where the worrying interferes with everyday life and affects the ability to function and complete your usual daily activities.
Let’s be clear here— we all worry from time to time. My company was bought out by another firm, will I lose my job? We’ve hit a rough patch in our marriage and my husband has taken to working late more often, will he have an affair? My aging parents live out of state and have started having health problems, how will I know they’re ok from so far away? Crime has increased in our town, how can I be sure my kids are safe? My 10 year old car is making funny noises, how will I afford a huge repair bill?
Money, relationships, family, work— we all worry about those things, and with good reason! Sometimes worry can be a good motivator. If we’re worried about losing a job, we can work harder at our current job, or we look for employment that has more job security than where we are now. We can have open and honest conversations with our aging parents about their medical and living arrangements. We can schedule regular date nights to help smooth out the marital rough patch.
But sometimes worry crosses the line from constructive energy force to debilitating energy force, and we’re left frozen in that state of anxiety. Unable to do anything but…. feel anxious. It takes on a life of its own, and we find it following us around— distracting us, nagging us, reminding us that we can’t have fun because we need to be worrying. It keeps us up at night asking lots of “what if….” questions. Your physical and mental health start to suffer, and your relationships become strained. You’re tired of feeling this way. Maybe you’ve felt this way for years, or perhaps it’s a new development.

How do I know if I’m suffering from anxiety?
Common symptoms—
- Excessive worrying
- Increased irritability
- Difficulty concentrating
- Sleep disturbances
- Increased muscle tension
So how does music therapy fit into the picture?
Does this sound familiar? Does it feel familiar? Is this your experience? You’ve come to the right place then! Music therapy can offer some relief. We can work together to resolve whatever challenges you’re dealing with related to your anxiety. Relaxation techniques. stress management, and working through emotional issues are just a few of the ways that can help. Some previous clients have reported immediate positive results after the first session. Most clients report effects that last for several days after their sessions.
But each client is different, and I can’t promise the same results for everyone. However, I’m confident that we can find an effective solution for you. We will work together to help manage your anxiety. Call to find out more information about how music therapy might help, or to schedule your first appointment.