Rearranging Priorities
This week happens to be National Women’s Health Week, and the month of May is National Mental Health Month. So I thought– what a great time to write a blog post that speaks to both! One of my passions is helping women realize their full potential and find ways to truly honor themselves.
Why is that important?
These days are incredibly busy for everyone (men included), but women tend to be the ones silently suffering. As women, our tendency is to put the needs of others ahead of ourselves, and we often lose our sense of Self along the way. (This is usually the point at which my clients come to me asking, “Who am I? How did I end up here? What on earth am I doing??”) Our priorities get a little out of whack. So if we are to be good caretakers for those we love, we need to spend some time caring for ourselves. And that doesn’t necessarily mean going away for a 3 week silent retreat in the woods somewhere. Self-care is about small, loving actions taken every day to nurture our very beings.
Here are just a few suggestions:
1. Meditate.
I promise, you don’t have to sit yoga and hum “ohm” for 3 hours each day. Studies have shown that simply closing your eyes, being still, and focusing on your breathing for 5 minutes can have beneficial effects on your blood pressure, heart rate, and overall feelings of calmness and relaxation. 5 minutes! Twice a day! Try it for a week, you’ll be hooked.
2. Get out in nature.
Research has also shown that spending time outdoors regularly has positive effects on our overall outlook on life and sense of well-being. So enjoy your morning cup of coffee on the front porch, or plant a few flowers in a pot on the back deck, take an after dinner stroll around the neighborhood, explore the local parks or botanical garden. Enjoy the fresh air!
3. Relationships.
In the mental health field, we call it a “support system.” In the business world, it’s called “your network.” We all need friends. When life gets tough, it’s important to have people we can depend on to be there for us– that friend you know you can call anytime for support. Those people are there to celebrate the highs and help us through the lows. Build those relationships.
4. Time alone.
While it’s crucial to have solid relationships with others, it’s also equally important to spend time by yourself. We all need “me time” to do those things just for ourselves. Maybe it’s a quiet afternoon reading your favorite book, or a weekend away at the beach/mountains, a stroll through the local art gallery, a morning at the nearby coffee house reading the newspaper, listen to your favorite music. Whatever it is– make time to do it. And make it one of your priorities.
It’s not selfish to engage in these activities for ourselves– it’s self-preserving! Remember what the flight attendants instruct passengers on airplanes– place the oxygen mask on yourself first, then help your neighbors with their’s. Take time today to securely fasten your oxygen mask. Take a look at your list of priorities and see what might need rearranging!
And if you’re curious about how music therapy might help, contact me anytime. I’m always happy to answer questions.